Last updated on November 12th, 2023 at 04:10 pm
Veterinarians say that one of the most frequent questions they are asked is “Why does my dog eat grass?” Apparently, it a common dog behavior. A lot of pet owners worry that something is wrong when this happens, or that their dog is sick and needs to empty his stomach. But that is really more of a myth than truth.
Grass can actually be good for dogs in some ways, and dogs are not strict carnivores as some people think. In fact, many species of wolves have been observed eating grass and other plants to supplement their diet. So, why do dogs eat grass? There may be a number of reasons.
Overview of Why Dogs Eat Grass and What Veternarians Say
Veterinarians frequently hear a common question from pet parents: “Why does my dog eat grass?” This behavior is prevalent among dogs, sparking concern among owners who fear their furry friends might be unwell or in need of stomach relief. However, this notion is more myth than truth. Eating grass is a natural behavior for dogs.
Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not strict carnivores; they share an omnivorous nature with humans. Like us, they require a variety of nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and grains. While a high-quality dog food adhering to AAFCO (Association of Feed Control Officials) guidelines offers a balanced diet, supplementing it with additional fruits and vegetables, comprising about 5% of their intake, can be beneficial.
Vegetables like dark leafy greens, yellow vegetables, blueberries, apples, and carrots are excellent options. However, certain fruits, such as avocados, raisins, and grapes, should be avoided due to their toxicity to dogs.
Dogs May Need Grass for their Physical Well Being
1. Grass Provides Dogs with Additional Minerals and Vitamins

Nutritional deficiency, sometimes dogs indulge in grass to compensate for lacking nutrients in their diet. Ensuring your pet’s diet is well-balanced is crucial for their overall health. An imbalanced diet could be one of the underlying issues that lead to grass-eating behavior.
Dogs are not strictly carnivores as some people believe. Yes, raw meat, if purchased and handled properly, can be a mainstay for your dog. However, dogs are actually a little more like humans in that they are omnivores who can eat a wide range of foods. And like humans, dogs need some of the nutrients supplied by fruits, vegetables, and/or grains.
Dogs should not only eat meat. The AAFCO (Association of Feed Control Officials) recommends a minimum ratio of 18-30% protein for adult dogs pending level of activity and around 5% fat. They also recommend a dog foods that provide a high-fiber diet and carbohydrates, which usually comes from vegetables and grain as important ingredients. But they do not specify amounts for carbs and grains. See my post Is it Okay to Feed Your Dog kibbles? for more information about this.
Many researchers believe that vegetables and fruits can help prevent cancer and provide your dog with much needed nutrients like dark leafy green and yellow vegetables. Blueberries, apples, and carrots are especially good for dogs. But avoid fruits that are toxic to dogs like avocados, raisins and grapes.
Dogs also need grains, fiber, and moisture in their food. But starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peas should be a minimal part of a dog’s diet, since large amounts can cause weight gain.
2. Grass Provides Some Antioxidants and Phytonutrients
Apart from providing essential minerals and vitamins, grass, along with other plants and fruits, offers antioxidants and phytonutrients. These compounds aid in preventing cancer, inflammation, and various diseases like diabetes and heart conditions. Additionally, grass acts as an alkalizing agent, soothing a dog’s acidic stomach, which could be why they occasionally indulge in it.
Grass along with other vegetables and fruits provides nutrients that are important to help prevent cancer, inflammation, and other disease such as diabetes and heart conditions. Phytonutrients are only found in fruits and vegetables and also promote gut health and healthy livers. has a great post, 11 Reasons Your Dog Should Eat Vegetables, which describes the many benefits that fruit and vegetables can have for dogs. They also include a wide range of enzymes that help dogs to digest their food.
3. Grass is Alkalizing
Protein is acidic and dogs can have very acidic stomachs. Although most dogs do not eat grass because they are sick, grass can have a soothing affect on a canine’s stomach. If your dog does have a bit of an upset stomach, he may want to eat grass to help calm things down. But in most cases, dogs like to munch on grass as a supplement to their normal diet.
Apart from providing essential minerals and vitamins, grass, along with other plants and fruits, offers antioxidants and phytonutrients. These compounds aid in preventing cancer, inflammation, and various diseases like diabetes and heart conditions. Additionally, grass acts as an alkalizing agent, soothing a dog’s acidic stomach, which could be why they occasionally indulge in it.
4. Grass Provides Additional Moisture
In addition to drinking water, your dog may enjoy grass as an additional way to get more moisture into his system. You may notice your dog eats more grass in the summer than in the winter when it is warmer and dryer. Just like we enjoy a cool glass of iced tea or lemonade during hot spells, your dog may turn to grass as a refreshing treat during the summer months.
5. Wolves Have Been Observed to Eat Grass and Other Plants
Grass-eating behavior is not uncommon among dogs and their wild ancestors, wolves. Wolves, the wild ancestors of domestic dogs, exhibit similar behavior, consuming plants and even whole animals that contain fiber, minerals, and vitamins crucial for their diet. Therefore, the inclination of dogs to eat grass might be a natural instinct inherited from their wild counterparts.
Contrary to popular belief, even wolves and wild dogs are not strict carnivores. Wolves in the wild have been observed eating plants. Additionally, wolves will eat whole animals which often include digested plants. A lot of a wolf’s diet depends on what he can get and where he lives. He eats what is available. Wild dogs have demonstrated similar behavior. Additionally, wild dogs and wolves usually eat their entire prey which includes part of the animal that provides fiber, minerals, and vitamins not found in just meat alone.
6. Your Dog May be Hungry
It is possible that your dog may simply be hungry. If you find your dog eating grass a lot, he may be hungry. Make sure his weight is right for his size and age, and that you are not under feeding him. If you have intentionally cut back on his food as a way to manage his weight, then this may be a natural reaction to reduced calories in his diet. The extra grass he gobbles up should not have an impact on a weight loss program.
Emotional Reasons Your Dog May Eat Grass
1. Your Dog May Eat Grass Because He is Bored
Emotionally, dogs might eat grass out of boredom, seeking entertainment when left to their devices. It can also stem from the mental stimulation of exploring their environment and engaging with different textures, like the texture of grass.
This behavior could be seen as a sign of boredom, prompting pet parents to provide more chew toys or engage their dogs in more physical activity to alleviate their restlessness.
Sometimes dogs try to entertain themselves if they are out in the yard and not a lot is going on. They may eat grass as something to do. Eating grass was also a way that my dogs dealt with their anxiety and grief of losing their home and family. Even though they have been part of my home and family now for over two years, they have stuck to their grass habit! Some learned behaviors don’t change.
2. Free Snacks

In some cases, dogs may be motivated to eat grass by the prospect of finding free snacks. Dogs often have limited control over their diets, receiving their meals and snacks at the discretion of their owners. Thus, the opportunity to discover snacks like fresh grass or other vegetation can be enticing. This behavior might also be related to their instincts from the wild, where scavenging for food resources was a vital survival tactic.
Let’s face it. Dogs usually have very little control over what and when they eat. Most dogs get two meals a day which we provide. Additional snacks are whatever we decide to hand out. So, they have very little control over what and when they eat.
Finding snacks on their walk to the park is a plus and what dogs would naturally do in the wild to build up their supply of resources.
3. Resource Hoarding
Resource hoarding, a survival instinct inherited from their wild ancestors, could also explain why dogs sometimes eat grass. In the wild, food may be scarce, and dogs would gorge themselves when they found prey. They would even regurgitate some of what they had eaten to feed their pups and pack family when they returned home. Collecting and guarding resources is a very important part of survival for wild animals. It is an instinct that is not forgotten easily by our domesticated canine companions.
In the wild, food may be hard to come by. Dogs will gorge themselves when they do find prey, and regurgitate some of what they have eaten for their pups and pack family when they return home. Collecting and guarding resources is a very important part of survival for wild animals. It is an instinct that is not forgotten easily by our domesticated canine companions.
4. Sometimes Eating Grass is Just Plain Fun!
When your dog eats grass, it may be he is just having fun. It is always pleasurable to eat, so chewing on some grass may be a form of entertainment. What else do dogs have to do during the day? They don’t read or watch TV. Everything they enjoy involves one of their basic senses like smelling, listening for new sounds, and tasting and eating.
5. Habits
As with my dogs who started eating grass while at the kennels, it may become a simple habit. Once your dog discovers the fun and tastiness of munching on grass, he may continue to do so just because he is used to doing it. It may become a part of his daily routine in his yard or at the park. Especially if there is not a lot of other things going on, he may resort to eating grass as a pleasant part of his day to pass the time.
How many times do we come home and munch on snacks, as we try to shift from work to relaxation in the evening? Emotional eating seems to be one of the key reasons people gain weight. Fortunately, your dog’s grass habit is a pretty low calorie snack, so weight gain should not be a concern for your furry friend.
When to Discourage Your Dog from Eating Grass
1. If Grass is Making Your Dog Sick
If your dog is eating a lot of grass and throwing up, something may be wrong. He may be instinctively trying to eat more fiber and also soothe an upset stomach by eating grass. This happens in less than 10% of the cases when dogs eat grass.
If this happens, you should probably take your dog to the vet to determine, if he has a health condition that needs to be dealt with.
2. Beware of Pesticides and Recycled Waste Water
While dogs’ grass-eating habits are generally harmless, there are instances where it might be cause for concern. If a dog eats grass excessively and vomits frequently, it could indicate an underlying issue, prompting a visit to the vet. Furthermore, pet parents should be cautious about grass in public areas treated with pesticides or exposed to recycled waste water, which may contain toxins harmful to dogs.
In a lot of parks, schools, and commercial areas, pesticides are used to kill weeds. Additionally, waste water is often recycled and used to water large grassy areas. This could contain toxins which your dogs may ingest as they eat grass in these areas. Just be aware of this. A little bit is probably okay, but a daily feeding of grass that has been sprayed with pesticides or other toxins could be harmful.
3. If Your Dog Has Not Had All of His Recommended Vaccinations
A lot of other animals will roam around in the same areas that you walk your dog. Parks, trails, and other common public areas are host to many species of dogs, cats, and many wild critters. Vaccinations such as distemper, rabies, flu, Bordetella, and lepotoris are very important to protect your dog from diseases passed on by other pets and wild animals.
Grass that has been visited by many other critters can harbor a host of viruses and germs that can potentially make your dog sick. If your dog is not up to date on his vaccinations, you should definitely not let him eat the grass in a public area.
4. Health Concerns
Signs of illness are important to watch for when your dog exhibits unusual behavior. Frequent vomiting after consuming grass may indicate underlying health issues or an adverse reaction to something in the grass. If this happens, you should consult with your veterinarian to determine if your dog has a health condition that needs to be addressed.
In a lot of parks, schools, and commercial areas, pesticides utilize toxic chemicals to kill weeds. Additionally, waste water is often recycled and used to water large grassy areas. This could contain harmful substances which your dogs may ingest as they eat grass in these areas. Just be aware of this. A little bit is probably okay, but a daily feeding of grass that has been sprayed with pesticides or other toxins could be harmful.
A lot of other animals will roam around in the same areas that you walk your dog. Parks, trails, and other common public areas are host to many species of dogs, cats, and many wild critters. Vaccinations such as distemper, rabies, flu, Bordetella, and lepotoris are very important to protect your dog from diseases passed on by other pets and wild animals.
Grass Eating is Usually Not a Problem
In summary, the good news is that dogs who eat grass are in the large majority. There are a lot of positive and benign reasons that your dog enjoys his grassy snack. For the most part this should not be a problem. Just make sure you are feeding him a well-balance diet. If you use commercial dog food, make sure it has the AACFO seal of approval.
If you provide a home cooked meal, please consult with your primary vet or a dietary specialist to make sure you are including all of the key nutrients and ingredients for your dog’s good health.
Grass eating is a common behavior in many dogs. Unless your dog seems to have an adverse reaction, allowing your beloved canine companion to enjoy his green snack should be fine. My dogs seems to not only enjoy grass, but a succulent grass-type weeds that they discovered at a local park. Free snacks!
The bottom line is, while dogs eating a little grass is generally harmless, it’s important for pet owners to pay attention to the underlying cause and the specific reasons behind this behavior. By doing so, you can ensure your dog’s health and well-being while enjoying the quirks of their normal dog behavior.

Deanna Euritt is a dedicated dog enthusiast with over three decades of experience in raising and training a diverse range of dogs, including many rescue pups. Her practical expertise is rooted in real-life experiences, where she has successfully navigated the challenges of nurturing rescue dogs into confident, well-adjusted companions. Residing in Northern California, Deanna’s days are filled with adventures along trails and beaches with her beloved dogs, Charlotte and Georgia. In her writing, she offers insightful, compassionate advice to fellow dog lovers, leveraging her extensive personal journey in the world of dog care and training. Visit us on Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn and FlipBoard (+ icon below) See our full story — About Us.